12月11日消息,微软近期正式放宽了Windows 11的安装条件,允许某些不符合最低硬件需求的设备(例如缺少TPM 2.0的系统)升级到Windows 11。 然而,微软同时也对此进行了多次警告,提醒用户安装可能带来的风险。 在微软的官方支持页面中 ...
由于操作习惯变动较大、对硬件要求较高且过于苛刻(比如必须支持TPM 2.0,上图),让很多老机器无缘升级,用户不得不绞尽脑汁采取各种方式绕开 ...
微软在播客中重申在Windows 11的硬件要求中,可信平台模块TPM 2.0是不可协商的标准。这也意味着微软不会降低Windows 11的硬件要求,以适应更多用户的 ...
IT之家 12 月 4 日消息,微软再次强调了 TPM 2.0 的重要性,并将其称为 Windows 未来不可协商的标准。 三年前微软发布 Windows 11 时曾引发了不少争议 ...
微软在最新的博客文章中重申,其Windows 11操作系统所需的硬件要求将保持不变,包括强制使用可信平台模块TPM 2.0。TPM是一种专用芯片或固件 ...
With Windows 10 nearing EOL, Microsoft says that it won't ease the TPM 2.0 requirement for PCs without TPM 2.0 or HVCI ...
根据最新消息,微软确认了 TPM 2.0 是 Windows 11 的必备标准。尽管如此,在一些搭载第六代和第五代英特尔处理器的设备上,用户仍然成功安装了 ...
微软在最新一期播客节目中,再次明确了Windows 11的硬件门槛,强调可信平台模块(TPM)2.0是一项不可或缺的标配。这一表态意味着,微软在Windows 11的升级策略上,不会为迎合更多用户而妥协其硬件要求。 微软将TPM ...
The latest Trusted Platform Module specification. TPM 2.0 was released in 2014. See TPM and TPM 2.0 bypass. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction requires permission.
saying now that PCs will be required to have a TPM 2.0 chip in order to run the operating system. In the updated documentation, Microsoft has removed the reference to a “hard floor” for ...
Microsoft has reiterated this week that it has no plans to loosen those requirements to boost Windows 11's adoption numbers, focusing particularly on the need for a TPM 2.0 device. Short for ...
Microsoft made it abundantly clear this week that Windows 10 users won't be able to upgrade to Windows 11 unless their systems come with TPM 2.0 support, stating it's a "non-negotiable" requirement.