The DCAU, or DC Animated Universe, is an interrelated series of animated television shows and movies based on DC Comics ...
Knightfall might be in the works at Warner Bros, according to a recent addition to the EIDR system. The animated DC movies ...
Knightfall might be in the works at Warner Bros, according to a recent addition to the EIDR system. The animated DC movies ...
A significant shift may be brewing at DC Studios, as insider sources suggest The Authority, previously announced as a ...
In the comics, after Superman’s death ... the pre-eminent Green Lantern of the DC animated movies, and his inclusion here is puzzling. The inclusion of Fillion’s Hal Jordan in Superman ...
DC Comics are responsible for some of the greatest characters in all of fiction, and have inspired many films that are now regarded as classics. While it is easy to associate the DC label with the ...
DC Comics is reportedly planning to relaunch the Batman and Superman ongoing titles next year, likely in time for James ...