近日,《星际战甲》开发商Digital Extremes再次向玩家展示了其即将推出的免费幻想动作MMORPG《灵魂战甲》(Soulframe)的最新进展。 在最新的一次开发者直播中,Digital Extremes向观众透露了该游戏预alpha版本“Preludes”的当前状态,并展示了未来更新的一些内容。 创意总监Geoff ...
随着游戏行业的不断发展,新作《灵魂战甲》(Soulframe)日前发布了最新的预告短片,引发了玩家的广泛关注。在这段短片中,展示了游戏中一个新的传说:玩家将能够与狼缔结契约。这种设计不仅为游戏增添了神秘感,也使得玩家能够在游戏世界中体验到更深入的故事 ...
The latest update to the Soulframe Preludes alpha adds Orengall, the wolf from the trailer, but unfortunately she's not a ...
Credit: Digital Extremes I've been reliably informed that some people want nothing more than a really big wolf to ride around on. Behold: Soulframe answers, with its latest teaser trailer showing off ...
近期,Digital Extremes,即《星际战甲》的开发者,再次向广大玩家揭晓了其即将面世的免费幻想风格动作大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)《灵魂战甲》(Soulframe)的最新研发动态。
Warframe developer Digital Extremes has given us another peek at its upcoming free-to-play fantasy action-MMORPG, Soulframe.
Behold: Soulframe answers, with its latest teaser trailer showing off Orengall's new fable, which lets you forge a pact with the wolf. Which means big wolf. I mean, all wolves are big, but that ...
Digital Extremes promised a new Soulframe devshorts episode, and they delivered not only more info about Soulframe Preludes, but a teaser for 2025 too.
Warframe developer Digital Extremes is now working on Soulframe, a new fantasy MMO loosely connected to Warframe. Warframe’s annual convention TennoCon 2022 saw the surprising announcement of an ...