Acute stress led the mix of emotions that struck the transgender marketing manager as they learned President-elect Donald ...
Policy changes for the military would come, as most branches have failed to meet recruitment goals. Henry fears any ...
Full Spectrum Community Outreach in Youngstown hosted its annual Thanksgiving dinner for people who may have anywhere else to ...
沃尔玛发言人莫莉·布莱克曼(Molly Blakeman)表示,在这些变化中,沃尔玛将不再允许第三方卖家在其网站上销售一些以LGBTQ为主题的商品,包括面向跨性别青年的商品。 她说,该公司最近还决定停止与人权运动组织(Human Rights ...
相关评论区中充斥着网友们对IGN的冷嘲热讽,最近《星鸣特攻》和《龙腾世纪4》等游戏的测评已经让其产生了信任危机。 大家一致认为《魔法坏女巫》之所以能够获得高分,是因为LGBTQ元素够多,而不是电影本身有多好。
Many LGBTQ veterans served secretly at a time when they could have been kicked out of the military because of their sexual ...
Dating for LGBTQ Utahns can be especially difficult to navigate, given the LDS Church's position on same-sex marriage and ...
LGBTQ individuals on Long Island can now donate blood without restrictions, following the FDA’s removal of bans based on ...
Lawyers hearing from a lot of LGBTQ families who worry the Trump administration will imperil their legal status and they want ...
Ariana Grande(A妹)新出演的影片《魔法坏女巫》在IGN网站上得到了9分的高评价,这一消息本应是庆贺的时刻,但却引发了一场热议和争议。网友们纷纷在评论区表示不满,认为该评分主要是受影片中的LGBTQ元素影响,而非电影本身的质量。这一现象令IGN的公信力再度面临挑战,许多人戏称这一评分是一个‘信任危机’的表现。
Rep. Seth Moulton has faced backlash after saying Democrats are afraid to address issues like transgender athletes competing ...
各位游侠网友,晚上好呀!又到了每天的「游侠晚报」时间啦!今天「游侠晚报」的主要内容有:《真三国无双:起源》官网情报更新;《FF7:重生》没有推出DLC的计划;世嘉获得LGBTQ组织的彩虹认证 等等,让我们一起来看看详细内容吧! 1.《真三国无双:起源 ...