Rising infection rates attributed to loneliness, a lack of understanding about safe sex and reluctance to discuss it with ...
About 3.5 million persons used PrEP in 2023 globally, which was far below the goal of 21.2 million set for 2025 ...
More than 32 million people worldwide have died from AIDS-related illness according to the CDC.This week, organizations are ...
As residents come together to recognize World AIDS Day, experts say early detection and modern drug regimens could eventually ...
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services released its plan to reduce new HIV infections by 90% by 2030 on Monday.
Tennessee has made progress in the fight against HIV, but the new plan to reallocate prevention funds will put the most ...
每年12月1日是世界爱滋日,苗栗县长锺东锦呼吁正视爱滋病议题,消除偏见与歧视,推动友善医疗。他强调,感染爱滋并不可怕,真正的挑战是社会的恐惧与不理解,县府将持续推动相关政策,确保健康平权,打造无歧视的友善社会。锺东锦同时提醒民眾定期接受HIV检测,稳 ...
On World AIDS Day yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encouraged people who have engaged in sexual activity to do a self test for HIV, and announced a time-limited free shipping service ...
Insurance companies have to pay for PrEP under federal rules, but some skirt the requirement for free access to the treatment ...
作者|杨群松,陈文东,范正标单位|昭通市第二人民医院检验科前言人类免疫缺陷病毒又称艾滋病病毒,是造成人类免疫系统缺陷的一种逆转录病毒。这一病毒会攻击并逐渐破坏人类的免疫系统,致使宿主在被感染时得不到保护,广泛存在于感染者的血液、精液、阴道分泌物以及唾 ...