直播吧12月3日讯 外媒报道,中国车手周冠宇希望通过TPC测试保持状态,正与红牛商谈。为了筹集测试费用,红牛正在与周冠宇商谈,后者梦想在2026年重返F1,他希望通过TPC测试保持状态。在F1比赛中,TPC指的是“Testing of ...
The FIA wants to limit the ways its leadership can be held to account for bad governance after allegations were made against ...
Proposed changes to FIA guidelines would limit the power of the audit and ethics committees, both of which have investigated ...
Formula One could expand to 12 teams now that General Motors' brand Cadillac has been accepted as the 11th from 2026, ...
The president of Formula 1’s governing body denied ordering a recent wave of staff dismissals that included the removal of ...
The Cadillac F1 team will join the grid in 2026, and FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem believes it wouldn't have happened ...
The FIA, the governing body of Formula 1, Formula E, and WEC, is undergoing a major internal political struggle. Ethics and ...
北京时间12月1日,在早些时候结束的F1卡塔尔大奖赛排位赛中,维斯塔潘夺得杆位。但FIA对于其在进入最后一个飞驰圈时阻挡拉塞尔的行为赛后展开了调查,最终判定维斯塔潘违规,被罚退至第2位发车的同时扣除1个超级驾驶积分,拉塞尔递补夺得杆位。赛会干事经过对 ...
The FIA has explained the reasons behind Lando Norris’ severe penalty during Sunday’s Qatar Grand Prix and the delay in ...
FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem has told Formula One drivers to mind their own business after they asked where money from ...
(吉隆坡4日讯)韩国实力乐团N.Flying首次来马开唱,这次他们以四人之姿站上大马舞台,看到台下N.Fia(官方粉丝昵称)们便说:“我们终于来到马来西亚了!现场很多人都是第一次来看我们的人对吗?”入乡随俗的他们,更特地学了国语对全场N.Fia嘴甜喊:“Apa khabar sayang”,引起全场 ...