整理 | 苏宓出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)日常工作、生活中,ChatGPT 已经成为我们搜索、答疑必备的工具之一,但是这两天有网友发现,精通数学、人文等各方面知识的 ChatGPT 竟然被一个简单的问题——「Who is David ...
IT之家 12 月 4 日消息,上周末“David Mayer”这个名字在网上引起热议,原因是 ChatGPT 出现了一个奇怪的故障,无论用户如何努力,都无法让该聊天机器人说出这个名字。相反,ChatGPT ...
Of course the big question is who is David Mayer and why does the utterance of his name break ChatGPT? Numerous theories have ...
For unknown reasons, typing the name "David Mayer" into ChatGPT prompted an error. OpenAI seems to have patched the issue, ...
David Who? Netizens were baffled to find that OpenAI's ChatGPT refused to acknowledge the existence of the name "David Mayer.
In the case of Brian Hood, the Mayor of Hepburn Shire Council in Victoria, Australia, Hood previously made headlines for ...
David Faber’, ‘Brian Hoods’, ‘Jonathan Turley’ and ‘Jonathan Zittrain’ are among the names that remain unsayable for AI tool ...
Users have been trying to get OpenAI's ChatGPT to acknowledge the name through a range of creative attempts, all to no avail.
一个看似平平无奇的名字 “David Mayer” 成为头号禁忌,ChatGPT 拒绝谈论有关他的一切。 属实是继搞不清楚“9.11 和 9.9 哪个大”和“strawberry 有多少个 r”之后,ChatGPT 又一大迷惑行为。
询问这方面问题,ChatGPT可以给出正确回答,也可以说出他的名+姓“David de Rothschild”。
ChatGPT isn't new to glitches. From struggling with sarcasm to getting dates wrong, and making false claims, ChatGPT has done ...
如果您上周末上网,您可能会看到关于一个名为 David Mayer 的人的奇怪新闻。 他之所以成为热门人物,并不是因为某个重大事件或某个病毒式传播时刻,而是因为 ChatGPT 出现了一个奇怪的故障。 无论用户如何努力,都无法让聊天机器人吐出他的名字。 相反,它要么说到一半就僵住了,要么声称"出了点问题",要么干脆拒绝回应。这让互联网陷入了猜测的漩涡: David Mayer是谁,为什么 Chat ...